What to do after Laser Therapy Treatment
- If you received a local anesthetic today: Please be careful until you have full feeling back in your mouth before chewing or drinking. The numbness should wear off in about 4 hours. You may experience some discomfort at the injection site or in the muscle. This discomfort does not usually last for more than a few days, during that time an over-the-counter pain reliever of your choice can be taken.
- If you received Laser Therapy today: Rinse your mouth with warm salt water (¼ teaspoon salt to 4 ounces of warm water). Rinse for 1 minute in duration, 2 times a day for three days following your Laser Therapy treatment.
- No flossing for three days after treatment
- Do not use an oral irrigator for 3 days after Laser therapy treatment; on the fourth day start using the oral irrigator on the low and then slowly build up the pressure to no more than halfway
- Follow an alkaline/anti-inflammatory diet for the next 6-8 weeks to promote healing
- Diet: If extensive Laser therapy is performed, chewing hard foods, such as meat or raw vegetables may be uncomfortable. A diet of a softer consistency is advisable until chewing becomes more comfortable.
- Smoking/ Tobacco use: Tobacco is an irritant to any healing. Refrain from tobacco use for 6-8 weeks is recommended.
- Warm Salt Water Rinse: Rinse your mouth with warm salt water (¼ teaspoon salt to 4 ounces of warm water). Rinse for 1 minute in duration, 2 times a day for three days following your Scaling and Root Planning/ Laser therapy treatment.
- Oral Hygiene:
- Brush, floss, and use other periodontal cleaning aids as you have been instructed. It is essential that you begin establishing proper oral self-care habits immediately. If you find that the recently treated areas are sensitive to brushing and flossing, be gentle, but be thorough! This may take a little more time than normal. With proper technique, you cannot damage the teeth or gingival tissues.
- Use the oral irrigator with the periodontal attachment as instructed.
- Use the periodontal cleaning aids as you have been shown.
Follow-Up Care:
Please return in 6 weeks for a periodontal assessment and possible Laser treatment. During this time, your periodontal tissues will be evaluated for the expected improvement and effectiveness of your oral self-care and to determine the possible necessity of further periodontal treatment. This appointment will include re-probing the periodontal tissues.